Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Brock Lesnar Tattoos
Juliette Lewis Tattoos
Shino Lin Cross Tattoo
Monday, November 29, 2010
Sexy Girl Tattoo

1. What kind of design? A sexy girl tattoo should be something erotic, exotic, and even a little dangerous looking. What you should not get is something "cute", like a rose or some common type of girl tattoo. The design that stands out is going to be strong and sexy. You can still bring femininity into your tattoo by adding other elements around it. For instance a dragon tattoo on a female can be very sexy, while you can then add in surrounding stars or small flowers to accentuate feminine qualities, while remaining sexy and dangerous.

3. How large? Generally sexy female tattoo's tend to be bigger, which contributes to their strong, stand out look. Again, a small tattoo tends to be more "cute" than sexy. Whereas a larger tattoo stands out and can be much more elaborate, sexy and "dangerous looking". It need not be a large mural filling up your whole back, but an above average sized tattoo tends to be the sexiest.
Dragon Tattoos
Dragons are mythical creatures of past folklore and legends. They have had a part in stories of fairy-tales, movies and books throughout our history. The myth of dragons believed they once roamed this vast world and many legends can be discovered throughout many cultures. Each culture having their own knowledge about them and are commonly known as being fierce, powerful and mighty. But dragons can also be revered as being respectable and that of good nature. As with some cultures, they are regarded as being a symbolic representation for good luck and good fortune.
Because of the widespread of dragon fables and the symbolic representation that they carry, numerous people have decided to get tattoos of dragons. In many civilizations dragon tattoos have been a part of their body-art designs for ages. Adorning their skin with the mighty image of a dragon, the dragon tattoos have grown in popularity very much in the same fashion the legends have spread.
The designs are very popular among men but women are just as fascinated and captivated by the designs just as much. The dragon designs are overwhelming and have many styles and ways of being interpreted onto the skin. Tattoo designs of fantasy dragons, Japanese, Chinese, Celtic and many others have bought to life, this magnificent creature of our past. Many people have tattooed the image for the symbolic meanings behind them and some, for its pure majestic looks.
Dragon tattoo designs have become so popular it is sometimes considered as the first tattoo to get by most men. The tattoo of dragons seem to have a positive and negative side to them. They can be symbolize as strength and power and at the same time be considered mischievous and destructive. Regardless dragon tattoos are a favorite design many people choose to consider.
Sexy Hot Tribal Tattoos
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Japanese Tattoo Designs
Japanese tattoo designs really do make for some of the most impressive pieces of body art you are ever likely to see; Fact! The use of color and black and grey shading will grab anyone's attention and as this style is so versatile, it will look great when applied to any part of the body.
Other popular features include Geisha girls and coy fish. Coy fish look especially great as a forearm piece and are even more effective when surrounded by Japanese wave patterns. Include some water lilies within this design and you will have a fashionable and awesome Japanese piece to treasure.
Traditionally, before the style of tattooing was banned in Japan, body art was often taken to the extreme of a complete body suit. As it is becoming more and more acceptable to get heavily tattooed today, many people turn to these styles for extensive work.
Japanese designs are very masculine in appearance and usually make for the best larger pieces. They can be found as smaller designs and always look better on men. If you are looking for a feminine piece, it is usually a good idea to dispense with the extensive background panelling.
I suggest you browse through the plethora of designs that are available on this site and conjure up a tattoo that will be the very best for you- http://www.uniquetattooflash.com/
Japanese Dragon Tattoos - Tips for Finding the Perfect Japanese Dragon Tattoo
Let's begin. The dragon has long been an important symbol in Japanese mythology. The Japanese dragon is a fascinating creature with the head of a camel, eyes of a hare, horns of a deer, scales of a carp, paws of a tiger, and claws of an eagle. Additionally, Japanese dragons also commonly have long whiskers and a jewel under its chin.
Popular locations for Japanese dragon tattoos include full back and upper arm designs. For upper arm designs, the dragon typically wraps around the arm, with the head extending onto the chest or back region. This however should not limit your decision on where to place this tattoo. The style and location of your design should be personal and unique, as these factors will ultimately determine the meaning of your tattoo.
If you're looking for really cool Japanese dragon tattoos, I highly recommend you check out the internet's largest tattoo gallery at www.chopper-tattoos.net
Webmasters: You may reprint or distribute this article as long as you leave the content, links and resource box intact. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_K. |
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Back Tattoos As Fashion
Back Tattoos As Fashion
There are certainly a few fantastic reasons for desiring a female back tattoo in addition to fashion. Regardless of what part of the back you choose to have a tattoo inked you have the ability to cover it when appropriate such as many workplaces that still require tattoos to be covered. Also a design in this area will highlight the natural curves and shapes of a woman, predominantly the lower back or tailbone area. When a woman chooses to wear clothing that will allow their lower back tattoo to be visible it gives the impression of sensuality that other tattoos fail to accomplish.
Back Tattoos As Fashion
There also is the upper back tattoo which is highly popular. These tattoos can range form a simple small and delicate design such as a flower to a large and elaborate design. Similar to the lower back tattoo a high back tattoo should be placed in a way that it can be covered when appropriate. However the upper back tattoo may be more difficult to cover up when formal dress wear is common. A gown for example would usually be lower cut around the upper back making it difficult to cover your design. You might consider a smaller design that would better blend with this type of formal wear and actually add to the attractiveness of your look. It does seem that the social bias of tattoos is fading and therefore some female back designs might be admired in this setting.
Back Tattoos As Fashion
On the other hand outdoor wear such as bathing suits and tank tops and other casual wear would expose your design. This setting though would be one that a larger tattoo might be greatly accepted and admired. It is a good opportunity for a woman to show her strength and independence. Men like strong, independent and confident women and think of them as sexy.
Back Tattoos As Fashion
Great is this art and the wide array of designs from simple to complex allows you many possibilities to be imaginative with your design. Online galleries offer a seemingly limitless collection of suggestions and ideas. So it is good to do your research and make sure you will be satisfied, and can live with this tattoo the rest of your life. Do this by designing your art to your personality and I know you will be happy with your tattoo.